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Thrive Together Limited (T2L) is a Shanghai based think-tank and innovation consultancy. Made up of partly the same team that launched the international sustainability non-profit The Natural Step we are "The Natural Step inside"

We believe that organisations must surf two tsunamis to be future-fit and stay relevant

The first tsunami is brought on by the unsustainability of current business practices. We are in a funnel of declining resource potential as our take-make-waste industrial model fueled by fossil fuel is using up and existing resource stock and polluting the biosphere in an ever increasing rate, in the process contributing to rupturing the social fabric of society. A future-fit business must understand these dynamics and redesign itself not only to reduce its contributions to these negative impacts but become truly restorative.

The second tsunami is brought on by converging exponentially advancing technologies such as computing, AI, robotics, synthetic biology, etc. The result of these is that disruption now can come from anywhere, from inside the industry, outside the industry, from large multinationals as well as from the startup in the garage or from a teenager anywhere. Organisations must be aware of these exponential technologies and make use of to disrupt themselves and their competition.

We coach companies to surf these two tsunamis. To adopt sustainability principles as design constraint to innovate new product and services taking advantage of the latest advancements in exponential technologies. We help transform organizations into exponentially restorative paradigm shifters.


Our vision is..


Sustainable abundance.
For all.
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